“The Choice is Yours”

A wonderful Monograph of SrI. K.Satakopan Iyengar:


Introduction By SrI. V.Sadagopan svami of NEW YORK.


Dear Devotees of Sri SampradhAya :


Sriman K.Sadagopan IyengAr of Coimbatore has released a most thought provoking monograph with theTitle of " The Choce is Yours " containing eminently readable and deeply profound essays on the above subject

and other related doctrines of Sri VaishNavism .


This Monograph is a Tour-de-Force and has 400 Plus pages .Sri Sukti Pracharini Sabha has released this brilliant monograph ; this is a trend  setting publication at many levels . The Book has recieved

anugraha BhAshaNams From HH Prakrutham Srimath Azhagiya Singar ,HH Srimath Poundarikapuram Andavan Swamy and HH Srimath Srirangam  Andavan Swamy .


SrimAn Satakopan Iyengar is a highly regarded sishyar of Sri Ahonbila Matam

and this book was released by HH Prakrutham Srimath Azhagiya Singar few

weeks back with anEka VedOktha AaseervAdhams . 


Here are some excerpts from the anugraha BhAshaNams of the three AchAryas  

to give an idea of their appreciation of the scope and content of  this monograph :

Prakrutham Srimath Azhagiya Singar : HH Sri Narayana Yathindhra MahA Desikan :


" In this Mechanical world , we have choices in all walks of life , starting from education to life style . The life of the person, who chooses the best, is full of happiness and prosperity. If such is the case for materialistic life , is it not necessary for one to choose the best way to attain salvation ? 


Our PoorvAchAryAs have shown the right and best way for Mukthi, after thorough analysis of various choices  , i.e., Prapatthi Yogam ( Total Surrender ) . This is the gist of the articles written by Sri K.Satakopan Iyengar . He has chosen to emphasize these views to the modern and younger generations in a form that they would like to read. 


A layman , who wishes to choose the best book  to know about our sampradhAya in a simple manner but authoritative way would choose this book only . As such the choice is yours . " 


HH Srimath Poundarikapuram Andavan : Sri GopAlArya MahA Desikan:


" It is very difficult to write such an elaborate treatise without having

a deep knowledge in every aspect of our Sri VaishNava sampradhaya ,

which has won universal acclaim as the best .


The divine grace of Acharyas acquired by Sri Satakopa IyengAr has given

him extraordinary spiritual strength to write such a valuable treatise  giving

a treaure of information to the readers .  His Acharya Bhakthi can be compared

to that of Sri Madhurakavi and Sri KooratthAzhwAr .


His deep devotion towards his Acharyas has conferred on him invaluable

deep insights into  our scriptures and this has been eminently reflected

in his treatise and the vocabulary adopted by him in this book is marvellous

and unique . He desrves congratulations and admiration of every SriVaishNava."


HH Srimath Srirangam Andavan : Srimath Sri Ranga Ramanuja MahA Desikan


" It is heartening that our youngsters , especailly abroad , have started questioning what our Sampradhaya is . We need not go into the question what it isd ue to . The fact is that our boys and girls are very particular about knowing our Sampradhaya .


But the old timers , who have mastered the subject , are unable to quench

the thirst of our children due to the lack of mastery over the modern universal

medium . Hence finding a person , who is  a master in both the subject and English ,

is the need of the hour .


Sri Satakopan Iyengar Swamy is one of the rare scholars , who is proficient both in

English and in the SampradhAya as well . His Holiness Srimad Andavan feels happy

that a person  has come forward to guide our youngsters on the right path . HH is

doubly glad to know that Sri Satakopan IyengAr Swamy is publishing a book with

55 articles on our SampradhAya in English . We are sure that such a publication

will go a long way to enlighten the modern readers ".


Dear Devotees : These are indeed the highest of praise that you can expect

from our Acharyaas , who are not given to easy praise of anyone in the matter of

the intrepretation of the sacred doctrines of our glorious Sampradhaya .


adiyEn is convinced that Sriman K. Satkopan Iyengar Swamy has passed

the tests and expectations of of our AchAryas with flying colors and has been

awarded the Magna Cum Laude grade , the highest one can aspire for .

He has become a kruthArTaa and the Sri Sukti PrachariNi Sabha of Singapore

has to be congratulated for its wisdom , front end investment and commitment

to make this book available to one and all across the globe .  



This book deserves to be read widely by Sri VaishNaas and aasthikAs of every background . 



Some comments on the book:


Let me share with you what  I enjoy about this First Monograph

in the series of "The Choice is Yours " . Yes , there are plans to

release over time additional essays of SrimAn SadakOpan IyengAr

by Sri Sukti PrachariNi Sabha with the support of Aasthika Community

around the world in the future . 


Sri Sadagopan IyengAr has penned as I remember almost 300 esaays (so far) of high caliber and authenticity . It is all his AchArya Bhakthi and

Lord Hayagreevan's anugraham that propels him to perform this kaimkaryamof sharing the vast amount of knowledge he has acquired over the years on the fine points about Sri VaishNava SampradhAyam from a Ubhaya VedAnthic perspective .


This first release , " The Choice is Yours " has 55 Essays that appeared over the past few months in Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA , Internet Lists like

Oppiliappan , Malolan , Sri Ranga Sri et al .


At the outset , I wish to state that I am  proud of Sri Sadagopan IyengAr's 

command of style and  content in tackling this difficult task of handling classic material ;He has facile use of the  modern idiom to help youngsters  and new comers to gain the appreciation  of our ancient sampradhAyam . I am equally proud of the Sri Sukthi PracharaNi Sabha  for taking this " massive " initiative , finding the fund and the invaluable Editorial help of  Oppiliappan Koil the gifted Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan Swamy ,

a doyen of our SampradhAyam . 


You may have a question as to why myself or anyone would like to invite

your attention to acquire this book , which may be considered  as a packaging of essays released earlier . I would like this opportunity to bring to your and Your family's as well as your  friend's attention why I believe that the book has unusual aspects of its own to warrant the  acquisition of  this book for your archival reading on our ancient SampradhAyam

starting with Sriman Narayana  and extending to present day AchAryAs ,

who strive hard to reach out  to aasthikAs .



Here are my reasons :


1) The author's Admirable skill in " presenting our glorious tradition in the modern idiom,while adhering faithfully to the spirit of the original works of ancient seers ".These original and " timeless works " that Sri Sadagopan IyengAr ihandled by the author are the VedAs , Upanishads , VishNu PurANam , Dhivya Prabhandham and a host  of other sacred literature . There is a central thread that runs through all the 55 essays chosen  for the just released  volume . That is the mighty doctrine of SaraNAgathi for Mukthi ( Prapatthi Yogam ) after thorough analysis of the various choices .


2)He has clear scholarship and command over his material ;

He has amazing  proficiency both in English , Tamil and Sanskrit 

and most importantly in the SampradhAya  . His vocabulary is rich

and noteworthy  . His power in phrase making is indeed a rare gift .


3) Sri Sadagopan IyengAr is a Master Story  teller with a serious purpose .

In olden times , he would have been a beloved PourANikar and KaalkshEpa

AdhikAri .


4) His devotion to his AchAryAs is exemplary .


5) The proceeds from the sale of this book is going towards  Saathvic

Charities that would please the ThiruvuLLam  of AchAryAs . The Sri Sookthi PrachariNi Sabha of Singapore has a clear road map on diverting

the funds from the sale of the books to nourish the roots of our

divine sampradhAyam . They have completed one fourth of their

planned work and adiyEn prays for their continued success in

such Kaimkaryams .   


6) The internet postings did not have any images to go with the Text .

The book has some of the most beautiful choice of images to go

with the 55 essays housed in this monograph . Examples are those of

AchAryAs , superb color plates of archAvathAra Moorthys ,  special

graphics . The images chosen have been beautifully integrated with

the text . This is truly  a Multimedia Book of  trend setting quality .

The border of each page contains the lovely image of Dharbham

( ThUppul ) , which appears to protect the sacred content . ChakratthAzhwAn provides additional raksha at the beginning of each essay . The beautiful  picture of ParthasArathy  PerumAL and His family in the front inside cover and Lord Oppiliappan and His family in the backside of the cover are very beautiful .

The picture of VeNNai Thirudum KaNNan ( The Butter Thief ) alone on Page 47 will steal any one's heart .


7) Each essay has an intriguing and teasing title and the essay  develops

the theme of the title into SiddhAntham . Some illustrative examples among the 55 essays are :


(a)  " Insure and Be Secure " , where with adroitness , Sri Sadagopan IyengAr compares the offerings of the mundane , modern Insurance industry with that of the ancient fail-proof Insurance policy of SaraNAgathy This is a Master Piece that must be read by every Sri VaishNava ..


(b) " Hari Potter or Complexities of Creation " is such a profoundly

informative essay about " the nuts and bolts of Creation " as the Master

Creator goes about His work of creation . 


(c) " How to see the Lord " is a moving essay on how to visualize ,

absorb and enjoy the Archaa Moorthys as revealed by the AchAryAs

and the AzhwArs .


d)" Diamonds in the Sky " is another of the essays, where it is 

a celebration of  the 27 Nakshathrams - -"the distance deciders of our

destinies " starting from Krittikaa Nakshathram .


e) The essay in defense of AchArya RaamAnujaa's use of prose

instead of poetry as the medium of communication in His Sri Sookthis

is a memorable one .Using His three Gadhyams as examples , Sri Sadagopan IyengAr convinces us that  " All his (RaamAnujA's) works are standing and eloquent testimony to the fact that prose can portray as well as , if not better than poetry , the kaleidoscopic  of moods and feelings

running the entire range from exhuberance , joy , fulfilment and bliss ,

to gratitude , humility and servitude , to disappointment , intense longing --- ".   


f) The essay entitled with the innocuous & polite title of " Good Evening "

goes on to make a case with appropriate dhivya prabhandham passages

that " the evenings belong to the Lord " .


g) The essay on " Divine Dishes " brings us back to the section of BhOjyAsanam in NithyArAdhanam in general and the 18 BhakshaNam offerings to the Lord on Sri Jayanthi , His avathAra dinam .


h) For narrational excellence , "An Englishman's Prapatthi " about the happenings at MadhurAntham easily contends for the top spot with a convincing message about the power of SaraNAgathy as experienced by the English Collector at MadhurAnthakam . 


i) The three connected essays with the title of " The Last words " is

a treasure house of information .


adiyEn can go on and on but hopefully you have been persuaded

by now about the richness, relevance and tastiness of the offerings 

in the Monograph : " The Choice is Yours " and  hope you will acquire a copy of this book for serious reading and reference to your friends(Suhrudhs) and relatives . Please remember that the fnds raised from the distribution of this Book series will go only to support other  Sri VaishNava Kaimkaryams dear to the hearts of our AchAryAs .


I congratulate once again Sri Sukti Pracharini Sabha of  Singapore for its foresight and initative to release the sacttered and yet well-read , scholarly essays  of Sriman SatakOpan IyengAr of ThiruvallikkENi/Coimbatore in the form of a Book . This is one of the greatest  services to Sri VaishNava community.


NamO NaarAyaNAya ,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


aDiyEn gives below the details of the Various centres, where the book

" The Choice is Yours " by Sriman K.Sadagopan IyengAr can be acquired.

Suggested donation: (Rs.450 in India and $25 in other countries )


In India

A) SrI. K.Sadagopan svami ( Autographed Copy )
39, T.Nagar I Street
Tel. 0422-2310576

B) SrI. Diwakar Kannan
F1 GJ Lest-5, 23, Lakshmanappa Nagar,
RMV 2nd Stage
Bangalore - 560 094
(Cell: 9880101197)
C) SrI. K.N. Lakshmi Narasimhan
8/22, Kanaka Flats, I Floor
3oth Street
Thillai Ganga Nagar
Nanganallur, Chennai - 600 061 (Cell: 9841126903)
D) Sri Ahobila Muth, (SrI. Devanathan svami)
No.2-2-20/B, D.D.Colony,
Bagh Amberpet,
Hyderabad. 500 013.
Phone No.040/27423043 or Res.No.27400601

E) SrI Ahobila Muth Book store (SrI Badri)
Selayur and During Sancharam/ Chaturmasya Sankalpam at Mumbai

In other Countries:

A) USA: (Will be available from 2nd week, July)
SrI. Rajaji svami, SrI Ahobilamutt, USA

B) Gulf Countris: (Will be available from 2nd week July)
SrI. R.Venkat, Dubai.

Email: rmvenkat@yahoo.com

Tel: 0097150 5848561.

C) South East Asia, Australia:
Srisukti Pracharini Sabha
BLK-611, # 02-171
Choa  Chu Kang St -62
Simgapore  680611
Tel: 68770248