itrans transliteration scheme


a aa or A i ii or I u uu or U R^i  R^I L^i  L^I e ai o au aM  aH

Consonants: (same if this follows by letter a)

k kh gh N^
ch chh  j jh  JN
Th Dh N
th  dh  n
p ph b bh m
y r l v
sh shh h
L x (or ksh)  GY  AUM


Consonants with a nukta (dot) under them (mainly for Urdu hindi/devanagari):

k with a dot: q
kh with a dot: K
g with a dot: G
j with a dot: z
p with a dot: f
D with a dot: .D
Dh with a dot: .Dh


Anusvara: .n, M (dot on top of previous askhar)
Avagraha: .a (S like symbol basically to replace a after o)
Ardhachandra: .c (for vowel sound as in cat or talk)
Chandra-Bindu: .N (chandra-bindu on top of previous akshar)
Halant: .h (to get half-form of the consonant - no vowel)
Ra ligature: .r (top curve as in ii to get r sound, half r)
(u{dhva}.r put after the intended consonant, e.g. urdhva)
Visargha: H (visargha - looks like a colon character).
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